This week's reading was very informative as a Learner, Instructor, and Media Professional. I had some knowledge about Copyright Law prior to the reading material and videos, but the information provided did give me access to new material.
Their were a lot of tid bits and nuggets that captured my attention. I have more of an understanding of specific uses for Copyright. Any fixed work must be copyrighted. Copyright is not about usage, it is about permission to use. Public Domain is free permission to use a fixed work. Another interesting point made during this week's reading, "If you don't defend your copyright, you will lose it."
I liked the way Joseph Bustillos outlined and presented this week's reading. He introduced each topic and each set of videos, then he concluded and reviewed each video.
Copyright 1:
The take aways for Copyright 1 were Copyright usage, the importance of Copyright and protection of your work, and I also found interesting the level of piracy that is apart of society today. The music and film industry has so many pirates, and it seems that their is no way around it. Their are laws against piracy, but with the digital age and easy accessibility to piracy, it is definitely necessary to have your work's copyrighted. Improvisations or skits can not be copyrighted.
Copyright 2
Fair Use was presented in a very engaging way. I was informed about the uses of fair use. The importance of Fair Use, and projects and works that were effected by Copyright and Fair Use. Portions of Copyrighted material can be used for Teaching, Parodies, News Reporting, and for Commercials. I found this information very interesting. A Takeaway for Fair Use and Copyright for me; if you are using footage or audio from any copyrighted material, and if it is not necessary for the lesson then it will not be eligible for fair use.
The most critical information that I took away from the copyright 2 lesson was the video about Dr. Martin Luther King's historical film, "I Have a Dream" film. I was informed that the license had expired and the film is no longer allowed to be sold or distributed. The license renewal was toe expensive, and therefore the copyright for that film and for the Stevie Wonder song to MLK Jr. also expired. Those two facts really hit home for me, because those events were very strategic parts of History.
Copyright 3
The Creative Commons allow individuals to share and reproduce products and works for creative purposes. I also was informed the specific reasons or permissions to use Creative Commons. You are allowed to use Creative Commons if you have specific permissions to use the licenses. If you gain attribution, you are getting permission to use the license under specific requirements. Not for sale permissions, or you perform, distribute, share, use the copyrighted work without changing anything.
I enjoyed the animated videos and the visuals of the photography and music that can be used for sharing. Creative Commons basicly give filmmakers, artists, professionals the opportunity to add to their work without losing their creativity.
Great overview of the week's issues.