Original Post:
Week 2: Blog Post #1 - Readings on "The Art of Possibility" (Chapters 1-4)
Week 2: Blog
Post #1 - Readings on "The Art of Possibility" (Chapters 1-4)
Jessica's original post:
First off, I want to say that I absolutely loved the TED video of Benjamin Zander. He is an amazing speaker. He definitely has a way of connecting to the audience and it shows within his writing, as well. So far, it's been an easy read...
Chapter 1: It's All Invented
I really liked how this chapter makes you think outside of the box. Perception is definitely important when trying figure out the world around you and it's clear that everyone's "mind maps" are different because of their different life experiences. It was actually inspirational when thinking about setting your mind free when extending mental boundaries by "enlarging the box," or framework, around situations... creating new opportunities.
Chapter 2: Stepping Into the Universe of Possibility
I love the name of this chapter. There are so many things that hinder us from progress because we are held to certain expectations and limitations on a daily basis, but with this new outlook of "a universe of possibility," there are virtually no boundaries that could confine you. Instead of setting a goal and doing all that you can to reach that goal, you generally layout a context and see what happens form there.
Chapter 3: Giving an A
I really liked the idea of "giving an A" as it being not an expectation to live up to, but a possibility to live in to. The saying not only relieves certain pressures, but also inspires greatness. There are no boundaries or restrictions. There is no one looking down at you... comparing themselves to you. There is only respect that allows others to grow and realize what is actually within themselves.
Chapter 4: Being a Contribution
The story of the starfish reminds me of my first few years of teaching. I felt like there was always so much to do and there was never huge progress and growth made within the district, but as time went by it was more clear for me... I'm not teaching because I want the recognition. I am teaching to help all that I can feel successful and make any sort of progress they can. I am teaching to make a difference with that one starfish that might be thrown back because it makes a different to them, even if there are many others out there struggling to survive in education.
I am a contribution. I make a difference and will continue to make a difference in each day that life brings me.
My comment:
TamarahJune 8, 2012 2:33 PM
I enjoyed your overview of the reading and the video. I agree with you regarding the give an A concept. It really does allow individuals to express themselves freely and to create more of unlimited possibilities. I liked visuals you provided on the blog as well.
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